Webmotion & Dulay Seymour appointed to redesign British Wool Marketing Board website

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Webmotion & Dulay Seymour appointed to redesign British Wool Marketing Board website

There's been a buzz in the office all week that could easily be misinterpreted as festive fever, yet there isn't a christmas cracker or brussel sprout in sight.

All this excitement has stemmed from the recently delivered news that Webmotion and its parent company Dulay Seymour have been appointed to revamp the website for the British Wool Marketing Board.

After much discussion with the British Wool Marketing Board, (over coffee and not mulled wine) we agreed that the websites visuals needed a refresh to bring the brands identity into the present, with Dulay Seymour crafting the front-end visuals, whilst Webmotion compiles the wizardry on the back end. The project is still in its infancy, so stay tuned for further updates.